Attending the first MERLIN meeting in Warsaw (PL)
With the arrival of the final team member, Dr. Raj Kishor Joshi, who joins as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK), the group led by Prof. Brynmor Haskell comes together to outline and discuss a research plan for the upcoming months.
Started HLRS course on "Parallel Programming with MPI"
The course is a combination of self-study and live seminars organized by the HLRS Supercomputing Academy, University of Stuttgart (DE).
The introduction covers the fundamentals of MPI, including the process model, basic communication techniques, and non blocking communication. The intermediate section of the course focuses on MPI concepts such as collective communication, error handling, derived datatypes, and virtual topologies. The advanced content includes one-sided communication, shared memory communication, synchronization rules, collective communications, communicators, and virtual topologies.
Started teaching Computational Physics III tutorials at FSU Jena
As part of the employement at FSU Jena, PhD students have the opportunity to lead tutorials for undergraduates. Check out the Teaching section for more details.
Attending the RTG Physik-Combo event in Leipzig
The Physik-Combo event is a transregional training initiative of the RTG 2522 Jena Leipzig that provides in-depth research training in topical areas in the context of "Strong Dynamics and Criticality in Quantum and Gravitational Systems"
Joined the Jena Team
I am excited to annouce the official start of my PhD as part of the Theoretisch-Physikalisches Institut at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.
My research as member of the MERLIN project will revolve around the inner magnetic field configuration of neutron stars, focusing on equilibrium solutions and the role of turbulence in its evolution.
Graduated from the University of Bath
Proud to conclude my MPhys in Physics with Astrophysics.